Setting a blog

Setting a blog


Blogs with information for our users are posted on our Internet website. The blogs can contain authorial texts property of VITANA Trejd DOOEL Skopje, texts copied from other internet websites permitted to be copied stating the authorship or submitted written material by our users/cooperators.

In the event of submission of your written material (in an e-mail message sent to our server or through our internet websites/social networks) you acknowledge publishing of the material.

By submitting the material to us, you agree to publish it – without any liability – and to use its contents (partially or completely) stating your authorship. By submitting such material to us, you agree that the material or its contents shall not violate the personal intellectual proprietary or other rights to any third parties which shall not instigate any court procedures against VITANA Trejd DOOEL Skopje regarding those rights, shall not submit any requests or complaints and if any third party submits a complaint against VITANA Trejd DOOEL Skopje, you shall completely refund the accrued expenditures to VITANA Trejd DOOEL Skopje.