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Headaches and Migraines can range from being a nuisance to being outright debilitating, they can make it very difficult and often impossible to go about your day to day tasks. Migraines and Headaches are sometimes common in the case of dehydration, however they are also often a result of deficiencies of certain minerals and electrolytes […]

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This pizza features a thin and crispy crust made from lentils! If you’re looking for a gluten-free recipe, then this is the pizza crust you have to try. All it takes is a few simple ingredients and a blender — no yeast or the wait time that comes with it. Ingredients 2 cups dry red […]

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Deep frying is a common cooking method used across the globe. It’s often used by restaurants and fast food chains as a quick and inexpensive way to prepare foods. Popular fried foods include fish, french fries, chicken strips and cheese sticks, although you can deep fry just about anything. Many people like the taste of […]

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Smoothies have a health glow about them. They’re often an integral part of cleanses, and they’re ubiquitous at health food stores and health-centric restaurants. And the smoothie trend is still going strong. Workout studios serve them up post-class, dietitians preach their powers and fit celebrities tout their nutritional prowess. But are smoothies healthy? Here’s what you should know […]

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Triglycerides are an important measure of heart health. Here’s why triglycerides matter — and what to do if your triglycerides are too high. If you’ve been keeping an eye on your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, there’s something else you might need to monitor: your triglycerides. Having a high level of triglycerides in your blood […]

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Omega-3 fatty acids have various benefits for your body and brain. Many mainstream health organizations recommend a minimum of 250–500 mg of omega-3s per day for healthy adults. You can get high amounts of omega-3 fats from fatty fish, algae, and several high-fat plant foods. Here is a list of 12 foods that are very […]

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The best defense is a good offense. Long-term health is the result of a good offense—proactive, preventive, healthy choices that have an impact on your health today, tomorrow, and beyond. To age well, start young. If you want to be a healthy, vital older person, start by being a healthy, vital younger person. Good health […]

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